Community Involvement

Since moving to town in 2020, I have enjoyed getting involved in programs that support our children's interests and in town governance. I serve as the Girl Scout Cookie Coordinator for my daughter's troop, volunteer to support school programs at Alcott Elementary School, and volunteer at First Parish for the children's religious exploration program. 

After joining the Rotary Club of Concord in 2022, I was asked to Chair the Club's Youth Leadership program which recruits and pays for ten high school sophomores to attend a weekend in June devoted to building leadership skills. 

In 2022, I was assigned by the Select Board as a member/co-chair of the Personnel Board for the Town of Concord. I truly value my colleagues on the Personnel Board and am proud of the work we have done together with the interim HR Director and our Town Manager.  In a short amount of time, we have supported annual Articles for the Town Meeting, including a comprehensive revision of the Town's Classification & Compensation Plan for non-union town employees, recruited new members to the Board, and established a regular meeting schedule and transparent reporting of all meetings held.  We will also be bringing a new Bylaw to the Town Meeting this year, work that has taken such a team effort to finalize. We have been guided by the important recommendations of the Personnel Study Task Force report that was introduced in 2022.  The energy and enthusiasm of my colleagues on the Personnel Board have inspired me to do more for our community, through service in town governance.